Read the Design & Access Statement

We’re delighted to present our Design & Access Statement (DAS) for the Phoenix. This document, which has today been submitted as part of our planning application to the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA), sets out the purpose, objectives and vision for a new sustainable neighbourhood for Lewes. It is the product of three years of studies, analyses and design by a large multidisciplinary professional team, and is shaped by extensive community and statutory consultation. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many, many people of Lewes who have contributed to this milestone for the Phoenix.

The DAS describes the thinking, precedent-research, planning, designing and ideas that have informed the plans and driven the designs, alongside the technical evidence (covered in further detail in the Environmental Statement, which will be submitted next week). It explains how the site’s landscape context, history, and the requirements of a new zero carbon neighbourhood that makes the best use of this important brownfield site, have led to the Phoenix proposals –a walkable, mixed-use neighbourhood focused on social inclusion, circular economy, and regenerative environmental sustainability, all responding to our Mayor’s priorities for the town as well as the policy requirements of the National Park.It explains how the neighbourhood brings together the best practices in modern methods of construction, sustainable mobility, energy efficient design and landscape architecture, all while providing good homes, jobs, training opportunities and generous public space, connecting to the town physically, culturally and socially.

Once fully submitted, the planning application will go through a process of validation, before the SDNPA publishes it on its portal and opens consultation with the public. At that point, likely to be early March, we will reopen our exhibition and run a series of events at Phoenix House, allowing you to explore our plans, meet the team and ask your questions about the Phoenix.

You can read the DAS in full here.

(Image credit: Human Nature with Periscope / Carlos Penálver)

Read the Design & Access Statement

We’re delighted to present our Design & Access Statement (DAS) for the Phoenix. This document, which has today been submitted as part of our planning application to the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA), sets out the purpose, objectives and vision for a new sustainable neighbourhood for Lewes. It is the product of three years of studies, analyses and design by a large multidisciplinary professional team, and is shaped by extensive community and statutory consultation. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many, many people of Lewes who have contributed to this milestone for the Phoenix.

The DAS describes the thinking, precedent-research, planning, designing and ideas that have informed the plans and driven the designs, alongside the technical evidence (covered in further detail in the Environmental Statement, which will be submitted next week). It explains how the site’s landscape context, history, and the requirements of a new zero carbon neighbourhood that makes the best use of this important brownfield site, have led to the Phoenix proposals –a walkable, mixed-use neighbourhood focused on social inclusion, circular economy, and regenerative environmental sustainability, all responding to our Mayor’s priorities for the town as well as the policy requirements of the National Park.It explains how the neighbourhood brings together the best practices in modern methods of construction, sustainable mobility, energy efficient design and landscape architecture, all while providing good homes, jobs, training opportunities and generous public space, connecting to the town physically, culturally and socially.

Once fully submitted, the planning application will go through a process of validation, before the SDNPA publishes it on its portal and opens consultation with the public. At that point, likely to be early March, we will reopen our exhibition and run a series of events at Phoenix House, allowing you to explore our plans, meet the team and ask your questions about the Phoenix.

You can read the DAS in full here.

(Image credit: Human Nature with Periscope / Carlos Penálver)